Submit Warranty Claim

IMPORTANT!- before completing, please read the terms, conditions, and instructions for this application in the Schwing Policy and Procedures Manual and our labor rates and structural repairs disclaimers.


Please provide detailed explanation of failure or the claim may be denied due to lack of information

A: Contact Information
B: Equipment Information
Only enter one serial number
C: Parts Claimed

Enter quantity being claimed, item number, and description for each item that was replaced on this machine.

In the "O/R" boxes, enter either an "O" if failed parts are Original equipment installed at factory or "R" for Replacement equipment.
In the "O/R" boxes, enter either an "O" if failed parts are Original equipment installed at factory or "R" for Replacement equipment.
In the "O/R" boxes, enter either an "O" if failed parts are Original equipment installed at factory or "R" for Replacement equipment.
If Schwing America authorized to scrap any of the above claimed parts, please checking the "Scrapped?" button.
Enter the name of the Schwing employee who authorized this scrapping.
D: Parts Failures
Enter your labor hours to replace claimed items.
E: Misc Claims
Enter the email address you would like a copy of your warranty application sent to.
Upload receipts of damaged parts/s (encouraged) (doc, docx, pdf)
Upload image of damaged parts/s (encouraged) (jpg, png)